Sitecore Roles and Access Permissions with Azure AD

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Sitecore Roles and Access Permissions with Azure AD

Sitecore Roles and Access Permissions with Azure AD

Sitecore provides the feature for User Roles, Roles are a collection of permissions that administrators assign to users or user groups and we need to assign access permissions to the Sitecore Page or an Item.

Where is the Role option available in Sitecore?

In Sitecore, a Role Option is available at Sitecore launchpad with the name “Role Manager”.

Sitecore Roles and Access Permissions with Azure AD

 Role Manager:

The role manager option is also available or accessible from the “User Manager” and “Security Editor”. Users can have defined any number of roles in Role Manager, but It should be defined using Domain Manager.

A domain is nothing, it’s used to identify the particular sites in the Sitecore as we know, In Sitecore SXA we can have defined multiple sites and also need to assign the domain to each site.

For Creating a new role double-click on “Role Manager”, it will open a window,

Role Manager

 Select “New” from the menu and you will another window with the name “New Role”,

New Role Add

 In this window define “Role name and select “Domain, its displays domain names that are defined in the domain manager.

Then click on Ok and it will add a new role with the selected domain name, which is shown in the Role list table.

The role is created now; we have to define the access rights or permissions to this role.

Now the question is from where we can assign or define the permissions to the role in Sitecore?

For that, In Sitecore, there is an option Security Editor,

from where we can define access rights or permissions to access the particular Item or page to the selected Role.

Different types of permissions such as Read, Write, Create, Rename, Delete, and Administer Inheritance are available.

Access right defines using simply clickable right and close icons on an individual’s defined access rights.

Access Rights Permissions window

 “Right” icon buttons will assign and “Close” icon buttons will deny access to an item for a selected role.

Access permission Assigned
We can also define access rights or permissions using the “Assign” option, which will also provide the facility to define the permissions to selected roles.

Select the “Assign” option it will open another window which will have a name like, “Assign Security Rights” the same as below,

Access Rights Using Access Security RIghts Screen
After creating roles and assigning permissions or access rights, we need to do Authentication for users.

For that we can use different authentication methods, we will use “Azure AD “   to authorize users using Sitecore Roles.

For that we need to create Azure Active Directory (AD) in Azure DevOps, Active Directory is an identity service that provides a single Sign-In service and authentication.

Azure Active Directory:

To create an Active Directory in Azure DevOps, you need to define and create your web application for that purpose. First, open Azure DevOps  there will be an “Azure Active Directory” option available using “Azure Active Directory”, we need to create one Azure AD and in that, we have to define AD Groups. We utilize groups to map Azure users, as they serve as a type of role where we add Azure members to them.

Azure AD screen
To add new groups click on the “Groups” options and it will redirect or open a new page same as below. It shows all groups defined in Azure Active Directory,
Groups AD
Add new groups using the “New group” option available in the Groups screen, groups are defined based on the Roles which are defined at Sitecoreà Role Manager.

To create different groups based on roles, we must also add “Users” into those groups to effectively manage access and permissions.

Groups Members Azure AD
We have the “AdGroupAdmins” group. To access this group, open it, and you will find the “Members” option available on the left panel menu bar. The right panel defines the total number of members.

For adding or removing members or Users we have to use the “Members” option. It will open a new page as below and where we can manage the Users of that particular Azure AD Group.

Groups AD
For Sitecore Roles with Azure Active Directory authentication, AD Groups are playing a very important role.

We need to map the Sitecore Roles with Azure AD Groups to authenticate users. Let’s delve into how we can accomplish this process here.

First in the Sitecore web application, publishing directory, there is the “IdentityServer” project folder into “C:\inetpub\wwwroot”.

In this folder, open the “Sitecore” folder, then open “Sitecore.Plugin.IdentityProvider.AzureAd” folder which contains the Azure AD configuration file with the name “Sitecore.Plugin.IdentityProvider.AzureAd.xml

Azure AD Configurations

In this use to set the Azure AD configurations, this file we have to define AD Groups and need to map them with Sitecore roles.

Before it, need to define the value of Client Id and Tenant Id, which will define in Azure AD.

You will find the “Tenant Id” in your Azure Active Directory.

  • Open the Azure Portal,
  • Clicking on the Azure Active Directory on the Home page will open a new screen where you can find the “Tenant Id.”Azure AD screen TenantId
  • To find the Azure Application’s “Client Id,” you need to navigate to the “App Registration” section. By conducting a search for the application name created, you can access a wealth of information, including the following details:

    Application (Client) ID” which will be your “Client Id” and this ID we need to set in the Azure AD configuration file.

Azure Application Screen
ADApp” is the Azure Client Application in which we will manage the authentication of users and URLs and permissions, this application is used to define security rules and access permissions of our Sitecore application. It contains “Manifest” to define the access permissions.

Regarding Mapping Sitecore Roles  with Azure AD Groups:

We’ll add a new claim mapping shown below. This is to our setup on the Sitecore Identity server in the Sitecore.Plugin.IdentityProvider.AzureAd.xml file in the /Sitecore/Sitecore.Plugin.IdentityProvider.AzureAd/Config folder:

Azure AD RoleGroups Mapping
In this file in the “SourceClaims” tag we have to define the Azure AD Groups ID and in “NewClaim” tag should contain the Sitecore Role name as above shown in the image. We can map other Sitecore roles with different groups here, allowing us to authenticate users assigned to specific AD Groups. Azure AD Group automatically maps its users with Sitecore roles, determining their rights and permissions to access web pages.

After updating Sitecore.Plugin.IdentityProvider.AzureAd.xml file we must have to restart your websites from Internet Information Service(IIS).

To initiate a restart for both the IdentityServer website and our main Sitecore web application or site. We need to follow a systematic process that ensures a seamless and efficient relaunch. It is imperative that we list our websites under the designated main Sites folder. By doing so, we can ensure smooth and error-free execution of the restart process. For minimizing any potential disruptions and maximizing the overall effectiveness of the relaunch. Additionally, this structured approach enables us to efficiently manage and optimize the performance of our web assets.

Once you implement the modifications, your primary Sitecore web application will reflect them. These are the information and steps I have defined above for using Roles and permissions in Sitecore SXA.

We hope this information helps you. Thanks!!!

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