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Umbraco Vs WordPress: The right choice for your website?

Umbraco Vs WordPress: The right choice for your website? 

Finding a suitable CMS for the development of the website is always challenging. There is a list of questions that arose while choosing a CMS.

  • Whether it will be easy to manage or not?
  • How frequent will the update be?
  • How will it enhance the existing workflow?

Many factors play a great role while choosing a CMS. And the most famous conflict in which people are always struck is whether to choose Umbraco or WordPress.

Umbraco vs WordPress 

Umbraco and WordPress both are Content Management systems (CMS). They both serve all the services that are served by any CMS. They facilitate content creation and its delivery. Although they have the same objective, they are different.

WordPress was started as a blogging platform. The main intention behind WordPress is to make things easier for the user by providing a single platform for blog creation, management, and publication. Later on, it gets converted into CMS.

On the other hand, Umbraco is built to serve its user as a CMS. The “friendly CMS” tagline of Umbraco ensures that it is built for website editors for their management purpose.  

In addition to that, WordPress is built on PHP and is a blogging platform. That is the reason why it requires third-party plugins for most of its functionality. Most of these Plugins are released by WordPress only. However several Plugins are made available by a third party and are not creditable. Using a large number of Plugins on the WordPress website may cause security issues. There may be a probability of a website getting hacked.

On the other hand, Umbraco which was originally built as a CMS only focuses more on security. The website that is made through Umbraco need not depend upon Plugins to function, hence making it a more secure platform.

WordPress works on the principle of WYSIWYG for content development whereas Umbraco uses a drag-and-drop content block editor. There are a few Plugins in WordPress that make its environment allow drag-and-drop features. But as these Plugins will not alter the internal design structure, therefore, it will lead to a bad user experience.

Choosing Umbraco over WordPress 

  • For using Umbraco CMS, you don’t need to pay any license fees. Your development cost will only include the cost of ongoing hosting and maintenance.
  • The block editor of Umbraco can be utilized as a library of content blocks with various options for the user to get more control over each block.
  • Umbraco is providing you with the pre-built template for your website. By using it, you will be able to create your website in less time than it is bound to require, as you are not going to focus on the design portion. These templates can be used to create a specific type of content that you need to create again and again in the future.
  • While using almost every CMS, when there comes to the image editing parts, it becomes a headache. Whereas in Umbraco you will get better support for Image editing. For this, you can use several image editing software such as Photoshop but importing and exporting images from one platform to another is not efficient.
  • Umbraco offers you an easy image editor which allows you to customize your image so they fit appropriately in multiple areas across the site.
  • Umbraco allows you to create a custom workflow that suits your business. It will help you to track the entries and to integrate them with your business.
  • Umbraco provides good SEO services. You will be able to optimize your pages in Search Engines. This will help you to make quality improvements to your site.
  • Umbraco supports multilingual features. This feature puts it ahead of WordPress. It will provide you with a translation ability for your website. It will translate your site completely from one language to another.

Why not choose Umbraco? 

  • If you are focusing on blogging only, then most of the features that Umbraco offers are useless for you. Your work can be done simply on some blogging website. Therefore, in such a case, you should avoid choosing Umbraco.
  • No doubt Umbraco is great, but its popularity is still lower than that of WordPress. Hence it may be possible that your development team may not have hand-on-hand experience. To tackle this, you should get a demo.
  • Umbraco is not focused on providing a business solution. This CMS does not have any eCommerce module, therefore, if your business goal is straightforward with primarily focuses on business only, then you must avoid it.

Choosing WordPress over Umbraco 

  • Just like Umbraco, WordPress also doesn’t require any license fee. It is a completely free platform.
  • WordPress allows its user to see changes live on the site. This feature is unavailable in Umbraco, hence while creating a website by using Umbraco may create an issue regarding the device layouts, sizes, etc.
  • WordPress will offer you thousands of plugins for better functionality of the website. Integration of these Plugins in a good way may lead to the development of a responsive website.
  • WordPress is the most famous CMS in the world. It is said that almost 40% of the website is managed by WordPress only. Hence, there is a huge probability that your developer team has quite good experience with this platform.

Why not choose WordPress? 

  • You need to use separate plugins whenever you want to add a function to your website.
  • The use of excessive Plugins may cause Security issues.
  • WordPress requires frequent updates. So, if you don’t update your system at the right time then your site may become outdated and cause trouble for you.
  • WordPress is not a business-oriented CMS. It is not going to provide you with a handful of e-commerce modules that will help you with your website.

Should you choose Umbraco? 

If you are an organization that focuses more on customized user experience and want to integrate your website with marketing tools such as CRM, analytics tools, and internal/external database then preferably you should go for Umbraco. It will also provide you with multi-site features and multi-language support. In conclusion, Umbraco has all the potential to grow and scale your organization.

Should you choose WordPress? 

As WordPress doesn’t offer you a variety of resources for developing the website, it is better to choose it as a blogging platform. At the same time, its large community support will be able to solve any of your problems. Using WordPress you will be able to create a stable, well-built, and successful portfolio for your business.

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