Efficient Ticketing Automation for Travel Portals

About the Client

Our Client, is one of the major Ferries company in Europe, specializing in ferry and logistics for more than 180 years and creating history in the inter-continental sailing business. Their main area of expertise lies in the transportation of passengers and freight including the port services. With over 30,000 ferries operating each year, their ferries sail on eight major routes between Britain, France, the Republic of Ireland, Holland, and Belgium.

Client Overview




Sitecore CMS Automation for Legal Services


  • Build a ferry booking website with automated ticketing.
  • Aim to increase lead generation and sales.
  • Fascinate more tourists to the United Kingdom & establish credibility among returning travelers.
  • Create a personalized route for special bookings.
  • Integrate local tour guide info with travel tips.
  • Automate ferry bookings.
Sitecore CMS for Financial Services


Key Stats

6 months : To deploy 9 Locations in 14 languages.

99.999% : Availability across 9 countries

60% : Content Management improvement

Sitecore CMS Automation for Legal Services


  • Created an interactive interface for Automated Ticketing System.
  • Marketing Automation improved lead generation and referrals by 25%.
  • Integrated Travel Guide & Tour Tips module to the website with visuals and VR to stimulate travelers.
  • Redesigned the Route Map Module and boosted bookings and improved revenue by 20% to 30%.