CMS Forum Development

CMS Forum

CMS Forum Development 

A forum is an online platform which allows discussion and queries among the participants and expert individuals. It is simple to use. It allows one to help others by sharing knowledge or experience while others can ask any query related to a particular concept. 

Integration of a Forum into a normal website can be an excellent idea. Because it gives a trustworthy appearance to your website’s visitors. They will get an idea of how you are serving, what are others’ client reviews etc. All those questions that you can’t include in the FAQ section intentionally or unintentionally can be answered here. You can resolve all the queries as well as troubleshoot services. Now the question arises, if you are having a normal website, it’s working absolutely fine, then what’s the need for a forum there? Why add another functionality?

Why have a forum on your website? This question is quite obvious when you are having a website without a forum. Why invest more? 

You can solve the problem. The existence of a forum for your business helps you to reach out to your customers. You can solve their problems and can also get an opportunity to serve them. The way you address the query of your customer will be recorded and it can be observed by some other customer and thereby you may get a lead. 

You can get some views/advice. A forum will act as a feedback form for your business. You will be able to hear both constructive and destructive feedback from your customers and you can get very helpful feedback through them to improve yourself in a better way. This advice if implemented properly will help you to enhance your service. Now imagine your same website with forum integration. Why invest less, when it can be proven beneficial for you? 

Will I need to have a new website for Forum functionality?

You may now think that the addition of another feature may end up switching the entire website template. But that is not the case. You do not need to change anything. The forum feature will be integrated with the existing website smoothly and easily. And all your previously posted content will remain as it is. So, there is no need to worry!!!

Sitecore in Forum Development: Sitecore, just like any other CMS, provides you with a smooth integration of Forum development in the existing site. It offers a special module for “Forum” integration, Since the Sitecore framework is prepared on the .NET platform, therefore it is easy to maintain. The Sitecore provides you with a rich feature environment which ensures customization and extendability. In addition to that Sitecore’s API will provide you with a stable and mature platform for development. 

Conclusion: The addition of some new feature in any pre-existed technology is always so exciting!!! When Forum is integrated with the normal website, it gives the website more reliability. Your visitor may feel more comfortable as they can have a place where they can resolve all their queries. More or less, having Forum on a website is the good-to-go deal.