Custom Umbraco Development


Umbraco Development

Umbraco is an editor-friendly Content Management System (CMS) platform that allows drag and drop features to create, edit or modify the content without any code. It is not just limited to the website. Apart from website development, it provides the features to create almost every content. Mobile application development, web-based application development, and simple portal development, all can be done by using Umbraco.

Its features include:

Unlimited Content Creation: Umbraco allows limitless content creation. This content can be different for different platforms i.e. its mobile version and desktop version can be different and the content will get adjusted automatically according to the requirement of the platform. Also, its real-time visualization can be seen by the editor, when creating or editing the content. Hence, designing becomes easy.

Social Media Integration: Umbraco provides the feature to share the developed content on different social media. This increases the chance that the content will reach out to the targeted audience and hit the marketing campaign.

Platform Independent Content can be created: Through Umbraco, different content can be created for different platforms. Also, the same content can be made compatible to make use of it on different platforms. 

Integration of third-party apps: Umbraco allows the integration of eCommerce, CRM, or any other third-party personalization engines with Umbraco’s API.

Unique preview response: It gives a real-time preview for all the platforms, for landscape view as well as for portrait view. 

Better SEO: Optimizing pages with better SEO, meta description, title tags, rejection of duplicate content, and canonical tags, Umbraco is an expert for all this.

An open-source ASP.NET content management system, Umbraco is popular among its users for its creativity, flexibility, security, and great editing capabilities. Marketers or editors can create their content easily by using this platform without affecting the backend workflows.

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