Drupal Multisite


Drupal’s multisite

Drupal is a web-based Content Management System written in PHP. As per the data, Drupal’s service is used to build 14% of the top 10,000 websites i.e. around 1400. Some of these websites are personal blogs, corporate, government agencies, etc. It is a scalable, open-source software that is being used in more than 230 Countries. World’s top busiest site like Grammy.com and The Olympics runs on Drupal. It enables its user to build new sites and to have a faster experience. It is a platform for digital innovation and ideas.

Drupal’s multisite supports more than one Drupal website on a single codebase. This can be achieved by creating a separate folder for each website on the /sites/ folder.

For example : /sites/website-first.com/,/sites/website-second.com/Each of these websites will have different .php files and binary files (images, uploads, etc). When the server is requested for any of the websites, then the content and database of that particular website are being fetched to display it for the user, hence serving with a completely different website.

Multisite Vs Multi-Domain: When talking about Multisite, a single code base is used for creating different websites and all the websites are completely separate.

Whereas in Multi-Domain, there is a single database and the additional settings depend upon the domain.

When there is a need to reduce maintenance of multiple websites and fast launching of websites is required then, a multisite approach should be followed. And when there is a need to share data between a few similar- websites, then a multi-domain approach is being followed.

Need for Drupal’s multisite: As mentioned above, Drupal’s multisite is used to launch a website effectively. It allows reusing the code used in the development of one website for another one. This can be done without using Multi – the site also, but using multisite is preferred as the codes are not on a single platform only. Less code means fewer coding issues. Also, the updating of data on one website is enough to change all the related websites. The biggest feature of multisite is that it saves time. Websites developed through it can be launched in hours. This is what the company looks for. The built-in – installation of Drupal’s multisite allows the new website to be launched very quickly which will be completely ready for content entry.

How will it benefit your business?

Easy accessibility : Drupal multisite will help you to access various sites with one credential only. -one username and password are self-sufficient to access all the sites. You can change the theme of your original site as well as your subsite in an easy way with the share feature. Multisite allows you to host different websites from a single account. The plugins need to be installed at the site administrator whereas all the other network administrators will be able to access it . 

One dashboard for everything : There will be a single dashboard that will allow you to navigate and access all those sites whichever you want. You can create as many websites you want and that too under one URL only. You don’t need to worry about the different themes, plugins you are going to encounter during this process. Because, you can have the same themes, plugins for all the websites you are having. It means from a single hosting account you can deal with multiple websites in a complete manner. 

Single installation is enough: If you are new to Drupal’s multisite, then you probably think of having separate installations for handling separate websites. If it is so, then you are heading in the wrong direction. With Drupal’s Multisite, you don’t need to do so. If you are using multisite, there is no need to host each website from a separate account. Also, there is no need to install each and every platform separately. A single installation is enough for your access. Once you install Drupal, you can host as many websites as you can. 

Easy maintenance: Multisite allows you easy maintenance as there is a single dashboard for everything. Plugins, users, and themes can be easily shared. Drupal launches updates for its Multisite timely. But for these updates , you just need to update the main website and all your sub-site will catch all the updated features automatically. Hence, it eliminates all the efforts that may be required while updating the different site without using the Multisite feature of Drupal. 

In conclusion: The features that Drupal CMS offers made it so popular across the globe. And multisite adds more to it. Now the development of a website by using a single code will save time as well as people’s effort.