Drupal SEO


Enhancing SEO with Drupal

70% of online marketers say that

SEO is better than PPC for generating sales.

There are millions of websites available over the internet. Few with good rank and some others with an average one. What is the thing that differentiates them? It’s SEO. SEO stands for Search Engine Optimisation. 

There are many traditional ways to rank your website in any search engine. Metadata and Keyword concepts are a few of them that SEO analysts frequently use. But in the modern world, using the traditional method is not enough to rank the page in Search Engines. Some modern technology is required and Drupal can be an answer for this.

How can it help your business?

Why should SEO be done?

Introduction to Drupal: Drupal is a Content Management System (CMS) with the principle of “Write once, publish anywhere”. It is an editor-friendly platform that allows drag-and-drop features to create, edit or modify the content without any code. Its unique feature includes “SEO functionality” and therefore, it can be seen as an alternative for the paid advertisement to some extent.

Apart from SEO, what makes Drupal great? 

Real-time Design Visualisation: It is an editor-friendly platform that allows creating content. This content can be different for different platforms, i.e. its mobile version and desktop version can be different and the content will get adjusted automatically according to the requirement of the platform. Also, it’s a real-time visualisation that can be seen by the editor, when creating or editing the content. Hence, designing becomes easy.

Speed: Unlike traditional ones, Drupal is independent of JavaScript. It means that content won’t be loaded over and over and can be loaded quickly. This will increase the speed with which it will rank in any search engine. And subsequently, its rank will improve.

Getting into Drupal’s SEO Module

MetaTag: Meta Tags are small descriptions that convey the page’s information to the Search Engine, how to display that web page in search results and how to display it to the visitors. Destination Meta tag is the most common way while working on SEO. MetaTag is something that is frequently used by the analyst. Drupal allows you to automatically provide MetaData.

Google Analytics: As the name suggests, Google analytics is web analytics of Google, that provides the basic analytical tools for SEO. These tools and statistics available can be used easily for marketing purposes.

Another best feature of Drupal’s SEO is that it has direct access to Google Analytics   hence, can be used easily without switching to multiple platforms.

Easy breadcrumbs: A user’s location on a website or a web application is revealed by Breadcrumbs which are a type of secondary navigation system. In a segment or some particular respective lines, the current URL and current page titles are automatically extracted by Drupal.

Features of Drupal including – Cleaner codes, user-friendly design, availability of responsive preview, and advanced navigation system are other factors that increase Drupal’s popularity among its users in order to optimise pages through SEO.

In a nutshell: Having enhanced SEO is a must for better SERP in Google. This can be achieved by using SEO-friendly CMS such as Drupal, for hosting purposes. Drupal has a strong SEO capability.

As it has pre-installed automated tools for SEO functionality that will surely rank your page at the top of search engines.