QA & Testing Services


A brief about QA Testing

Testing plays a very important part in every field. Yo-Yo Test in sports can be taken as an example where players are tested for their different physical skills, which can be used anytime unexpectedly during the game. The test report is further analysed and according to that team which is going to play is selected.

The purpose of the test is to check whether the scenario is working as expected or not. This test can be further categorised into the Black-box test and the White-box test.

Types of Tests

In a black-box test, internal structure, architecture, design, and implementation are not focused on. The only focus is the correct result. The test must produce the correct result no matter how. It doesn’t care how the result has been achieved, and what methods are used to achieve the result. It only cares about the result. 

Unlike the black-box test, the white-box test cares about the process. Here the internal structure, architecture, design, and implementation are also focused on while trying to achieve the correct output. Some other tests performed during analysis,

Unit Test: In the unit test, different segments are made independent of each other. Or we can say different modules are made isolated and then testing is performed. Since each unit will be checked and they are independent of each other, in case of fault, the faulty unit can be easily recognized and hence can be solved in a better way.

Integration Test: In this test, all the modules are combined or integrated, and then testing is performed. It may happen that every module is working properly, but when all these modules are integrated, they may not be working or cause some problems. For instance, there can be a un synchronisation between service and database or between website and file system. In such a case, an integration system is used to check the overall functionality and according to the result, further actions are being carried out.

How will it benefit you?

Customer satisfaction: Performing various tests for your own product helps you to provide as per the customer’s requirement. It will help your product to reach customer satisfaction. It will also help you to know about issues that the user might face while using your service. So, better than solving the issues after a complaint from a customer, testing should be done prior to that.

Quality: Quality is the most significant parameter in today’s business world. If the quality of your product or service is good, then customers will get attracted automatically. This can be easily analysed after performing certain tests.

Cost: If your platform is tested initially and passed all the tests with a good score, then it must not have any issues. Creating a platform and not allowing it for tests means there will be a need for maintenance again and again and for each maintenance, its cost has to pay. Therefore, doing testing before launching it into the market is a better idea.

Performance: Today, users want performance. This performance can be in the form of speed accuracy etc. While testing the platforms, all this analysis can be done and according to the result, various improvements can be done.

Security: Data security is a trendy topic in the digital world. Everyone wants their data to be stored in a secured manner. To check this, testing can be done in order to prevent customers from any problem.

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